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Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Protecting Your Children's Privacy Online

Author:  Chris Cornell

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Children are young and they do not have the experiences that allow them to identify what is dangerous to them or not. This is same with the Internet. Thus, here are some online security solutions for to protect your children from Internet threats.
For one, you will need to set rules on which Websites your children can visit. Especially if certain Websites require personal information, you would need to read through the privacy statements. If possible, try to look for Websites that do not require personal information being disclosed because children will not know when they are in trouble.
Another thing you can do is to block contents that are inappropriate, be it violence, sex, or any controversial Websites. Windows have a number of parental control filter software that can help block such content. You also use anti-virus and anti-spyware software as children do not know when they come across suspicious content. Even popular Websites for children can be filled with Spyware so accidents can happen. Another thing you can do is to create different user accounts within the computer. Limit the user account for your children so that they cannot simply install software. Also set your browser's settings to control the privacy preferences so that the types of Website they can enter are limited.
Do check what Websites your children have been visiting as well. You can do this either by observing in person or checking their Internet History. As they may be uncomfortable by your presence, you can also let them independently list the Websites they have visited for you.
Always remind your children the dangers of meeting strangers on the Internet. Although you cannot stop them from doing so as you cannot observe them all the time, you can teach them to take precautionary measures like giving only first names or nicknames, never to give other personal information and photographs of themselves, nor meet the stranger in person. With instant messengers, you can set the settings so that only approved contacts can be added.
In conclusion, there are many online security solutions to protect your children's privacy, but it takes initiative for that to happen.

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