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Monday, 11 October 2010

General Office Clerk Resume


Job Vacancy, Indonesia Job, Job Indonesia

General Office Clerks perform almost similar duties in all types of offices but their specific job descriptions may entail list of different duties. General Office Clerks don’t receive a list of duties to perform but they have to perform various job tasks as and when asked to do. Main duties of a general office clerk may include typing, filing, photocopying, keeping records, taking inventory, answering e-mails, receiving phone calls and dealing with people concerned with the office. But sometimes they may have to perform some sort of special duties also in absences of the senior officer and as per the order of the employer.
Employers seek for the candidates with more skills to appoint for the post of general office clerk. They demand candidates with high school diploma and basic knowledge about the business. Employers may get ready to compromise with the education but they need skilled people to assist senior officers in all respects they need. Some basic skills that the employers demand in the candidates for this post may include; outstanding communication skills both written and oral, team work ability, basic computer skills, self management, continuous learning, record keeping and business thinking ability etc. some special skills may also be demanded according to the nature of the business.
A person applying for the job of a must be very active and able to bear even work loads and must be punctual and hardworking. A person with all demanded skills and a professional looking resume will be given importance while appointing for the job of general office clerk. Here are some important tips for the people willing to join this job about writing a professional looking resume. All candidates regardless of their job status should focus on professionalism of their resume to be submitted. To attain this factor of professionalism all candidates are advised to follow the given set of instructions in composing their resumes.
Have a look of the following tips:
  • Objective of the resume is possible to achieve by making little efforts before starting the resume writing. Therefore make rough lists of accomplishments and skills to include in the resume.
  • Be honest while writing resume and provide to-the-point information.
  • Select a fine quality paper, printer, font style, font size, and professional looking format.
  • Start resume with a section giving full personal introduction. Include name, home address, telephone number and e-mail address in this introductory information.
  • Give an appealing resume objective in the resume. Try to use convincing words in this section like; Want to become a part of dynamic organization under your best control and other sentences like this. Every employer read this section first of all therefore place at the beginning and use impressive words to convince the employer.
  • Mention position in the resume objective section and also narrate some important job related skills.
  • After the objective the employers search about the previous performance records of the applicants. Therefore give a section with heading of summary of qualifications and share all key accomplishments to show your capability.
  • In the experience section give the name of the previous employer and the position and also give a short list of specific assigned and performed duties.
  • Do not forget to include all significant achievements.
  • Do not be extra personal while writing resume and avoid attaching picture with the resume. Information like age, sex, liking and disliking, marital status, number of children etc will loose the image of the resume.
  • Give skills and references in the last.
  • Make it sure that resume should be quite error free and should not contain any logical and grammatical mistakes.
  • Proof read the resume more than twice to scan out and remove all errors and mistakes.
For more convenience take advantage from the sample resumes provided here. These sample resumes are specially designed for the people applying for the job of general office clerk.

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