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Monday, 11 October 2010

Assistant Project Manager Resume


Job Vacancy, Indonesia Job, Job Indonesia

Project managers are very responsible people. Success of an organization totally depends on its projects and success of projects wholly depends on managing skills of project managers. They are responsible for smooth functioning and in time completion of all projects. To perform their duties well they need to be assisted by Assistant Project Managers. An assistant manager performs a lot of duties and share burden of the project managers and also assist them in performing their functions.
An assistant project manager must be skilled enough to deal with all projects related issues and also performing some sort of managerial tasks. An assistant project manager must have some special skills to perform this job. These skills may include computer skills, decision making skills, experience in dealing with the problems, communication skills, project management skills, professional attitude, research skills, hard working & reliable and quick learning etc.
Employers appoint Assistant Project managers after strict interview and field tests. Before a candidate is asked for a test or interview he has to submit a resume as a first personal introduction with the employers. A resume is an advertising tool that portraits the personality of candidates in written within two pages maximum and employers make decision on the basis of their resumes whether to call them for interview or not.
All the candidates should keenly focus on writing their resumes and achieving real objectives of resumes. Here are some important tips for all candidates to follow while writing their resumes. These tips are provided by experienced and skilled people who have much experience in resume writing.
  • Do some initial planning to collect relevant information before writing the resume. Make some rough lists of accomplishments and skills to be offered in the resume as well as a list of duties performed in past experiences.
  • Scan the prepared lists and select most important information.
  • Select fine quality paper for resume.
  • Start the resume with personal introduction. Give name, e-mail address, home address and contact numbers in this section.
  • The next section should contain an objective statement that may show eagerness of the candidate to join the announced position.
  • To show to the employer that the candidate is rally capable for the job, there must be a section containing information about the key accomplishments of the candidate. Name this section as Qualification Summary.
  • After qualification summary, give detailed information about previous jobs and include only true information.
  • Don’t include any information or challenging sentence that may cause any problem in the interview or in the future.
  • Never use any negative information about the previous employers and don’t use inactive sentences.
  • Don’t place salary demands in the resume and leave this issue to be discussed in the interview.
  • Limit the length of resume within two pages.
  • Ensure the accuracy of the resume both grammatically and logically.
  • Don’t attach any picture with the resume.
  • Make a list of all personal characteristics in a separate section and in the last give information about academic background.
  • In the last give references.
  • Proof read the resume more than twice before submitting the resume.
For more convenience get assistance from the sample resumes provided here.
Sample Assistant Project Manager Resume 1
Sample Assistant Project Manager Resume 2

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