Job Vacancy, Indonesia Job, Job Indonesia
Every business involves too many operations like manufacturing, packing, loading or unloading, and many other operations. Proper coordination of all business operations is necessary for the success of any business. To coordinate and manage all operations in a professional manner businesses need specially appointed operations managers and coordinators. These professionals are responsible for smooth functioning of all business operations.
An operations coordinator may receive job description containing list of different duties according to the nature of organization and nature of operations of that particular organization. Some duties may be same in all organizations that may include; update work schedules on regular basis, develop filing system, organize meetings, prepare required reports and other necessary documents, ensure timely completion of all operations and many more.
Highly skilled people are required for this post. An operation coordinator must possess some special skills like computer literacy, both written and oral communication skills, organizational skills, managing skills, disciple and hardworking, problem solving skills, decision making skills and professional attitude.
Employers seek for the candidates with all skills mentioned above for this post and become very strict in scanning the candidate’s resumes for the interview therefore all candidates should be very careful in writing their resumes. Perfect and convincing resume is the first step towards career success. Following are some important tips for all the candidates looking to apply for the job of an operations coordinator:
Must Include:
- Start resume writing with personal introduction section and give proper introduction.
- Give name, home address, e-mail address and in use contact numbers.
- In the next section place an objective statement. Try to use active and responsible words and don’t use any challenging words to convince the employer. It will create problems afterwards.
- In the qualification summary state all previous job related achievements and accomplishments using clear words and avoid using too lengthy paragraphs.
- Share all previously performed job duties in separate heading in employment history section. Mention the name of the employers with time duration for each job.
- Give academic history using chronological order and mention the most recent degree first of all.
- After giving education related information, come to the list of personal characteristics and make a list of all job related skills and abilities.
- In the last give references in a proper format.
- Proofread the resume before submitting.
- Don’t be extra personal in providing information and don’t mention nick name, height, weight, favorite game, marital status etc.
- Don’t attach any picture with the resume.
- Don’t mention salary demands and let the employer make an offer then start negotiation in the interview.
- Don’t let irrelevant information to creep in the resume.
- Limit the length of the resume up to two pages.
Sample Operations Coordinator Resume 1
Sample Operations Coordinator Resume 2
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